Welcome. This is the Part-Time Press Home Delivery program. Faculty who are teaching from home and in blended classrooms, need professional development support now more than ever before. But limited opportunities for face-to-face and online faculty development can make supporting faculty complicated and difficult. We can help.
Home Delivery is convenient, quick and easy.
- You purchase the book(s), provide us with a mailing list, and we pack up and ship the books you order (at no additional cost to you) directly to your individual faculty at their homes. If you like, we’ll include a short note to let your faculty know the books are from you, your department or college, whichever you prefer.
It’s that simple.
Choose from among these bestselling books that have helped thousands of faculty migrate their courses online, and hundreds of thousands of faculty sharpen their teaching skills with a focus on student success.
Questions? Email us, or call 734-930-6854 (M-F, 9-5 EST).